Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I probably should have warned you before I disappeared for a week, huh? Especially considering I knew it was coming.

I've been noticeably absent from The Simple Life for a week.... maybe a titch more. We've been super duper busy this past week with church activities. We've literally got up, gone to church, come home, gone to sleep, got up, went to church, etc. twice a day, every single say since the last Friday in June. So I've barely had time to do laundry, let alone write up a blog post or two. I haven't even made our bed, not one day, this week, because we would literally come in from the morning service, change clothes, get in the bed, get up, get dressed and go to the evening service, then come back and get in the bed again. That's how crazy it's been around here!

My laundry is piled up, my house is a wreck, my fridge is rapidly emptying and I am simply exhausted. Oh, and on top of all of that, Aaron and I woke up this morning to Tabby throwing up all over my shoulder, so today I've had a sickly puppy to deal with. (She's much better now. She's actually standing up on her hind legs, being all cute, trying to get my attention as I type this.)

I haven't even gotten the chance to watch a single television show, so I can't even offer you a "What I'm Watching."

*ashamed face*

Let me just warn ya now that I plan on taking the next few days to get my house back in order before I sit down to blog. And yes, I know, I still have the Home Style Evolution kitchen post to put up, a lot of it is already written, but I need to take current photos to add to the post before I can share it with you all.

So, I'll be seeing ya'll sometime later on in the week, maybe. If not, I'll be back next week!

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