Thursday, August 28, 2014


Well, guys and gals, I finally did it! I uploaded a video to my sad, lonely little YouTube channel!

It's not much, just a little quick intro video saying "hey, this is what's coming!" but it's something!

So go check it out!

You can subscribe to this blog, follow it with email updates and, of course, you can subscribe to The Simple Life Youtube channel, I'm affectionately calling it "Simple Life TV!"

I'm planning - ahem - planning to actually sit down and "film a video" (baaaah) tomorrow, kind of introducing myself to the wide YouTube world, but who knows if that will actually happen!

Thank you to everyone that says to me, "Missy, I read your blog," you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that! Or the times I hear "I tried that tip you posted about and it really works!" That makes my day! I love being able to help people out like that! I love getting emails telling me that so-and-so has commented on my post, and I love seeing the amount of views my posts get; it makes me feel like this blog is making a difference in some tiny way! All I want to do is help!

It only takes a second to subscribe to both the blog and the YouTube channel, and I'd really appreciate it if you would do both!

Thanks again!

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