Saturday, September 6, 2014

Catch Up Saturday

Good afternoon everyone! It's a beautiful day here in KY! The sun is shining, it's warm but not super humid, and Aaron is off work! So the three of us (him, me and Princess Tabby) have been laying around watching movies all day! (Expect a What I'm Watching soon!!) He wants to get out of the house, but has no idea what he wants to do, so.... there's that!

I thought, for a quick post, I would play a little Catch Up and show you all what I've been up to lately!

I watched Gone with the Wind for the 17bajillionth time. Nothing else is important except this! You haven't lived until you've seen GWTW on Blu Ray on a huge TV screen. You see all kinds of fun stuff in the background. Like a sign during the bazaar that reads "Buy a hankie, beat a Yankee." Or a teeny tiny hair net keeping Melanie's over the ear 'do from flying everywhere. It's amazing. Truly the best! 

Aaron and I went on an overnight in August - his Southern Gospel Quartet sang at the KY State Fair - and about half way there I thought I'd forgotten my makeup, a DISASTER for this girl. Thankfully we stopped off at a Dollar General and I picked up some things.... only to discover, once we got to our hotel, that my makeup bag was nestled safely in my suitcase the whole darn time. Needless to say, I stopped on the way back home to return everything! I did manage to find a new pretty awesome foundation that I've been using out of this deal. I'll share it with you all soon!
Here we are that next morning, headed off to the fair. It was a good idea for me to wear that jean jacket, the place where they always hold the Southern Gospel contest is always freezing.

I decorated for fall. I succumbed to peer pressure. Hilary from My So Called Home  made me do it. She posted a picture on her Instagram the day after Labor Day of pumpkins saying she was decorating. That's usually the day I to it too, but Labor Day came so early this year.... but after seeing she was doing it, I had to do it to! Thanks for the push Ms. Hilary! Check out her blog and her YouTube channel. She is suuuuch an inspiration to me! 

I fell in love with the art of "Hand Lettering" recently. This was the first piece I ever did. I ended up "inking it in" and mod podging it to a canvas and putting it in our bedroom. I love doing this! It's so relaxing! This is a quote from Wuthering Heights, my favorite book. 

I redid my kitchen and did a little DIY art project! Tour coming soon!

I got to visit with my college girlfriends! We hadn't all been together in 5 whole years, and we picked up just like we'd never been apart. We are ALL married, some of us with kids, now, but it was like nothing had changed!

Aaron, my Mom and I went on a road trip to visit my brother! I love road tripping with these two! I say it a lot, but my Mom and I have a very very special relationship, and she is more like a friend than a "mom."We always end up laughing till we cry! Aaron's a champ hanging out with us two crazies! But he will be the first to tell you, my mom spoils the heck out of him! She adores him!

I got to meet my new niece for the first time! She's such a stunningly beautiful little baby girl! I'm excited to have a new niece and to get to spoil her! My brother and sister in law make such pretty babies!

I learned how to do my own acrylic nails at home. It's easiest to do "clear" tips and paint them, instead of the white tips, I personally think. This picture shows a new nail polish color by Clinique that my Mom got me that I couldn't wait to try out! I took my nails off to redo the kitchen, I can't wait to put them back on! I love them! Super easy to do, too!

Did you hear I started my own YouTube channel? It's called "The Simple Life" - just like the blog, and  I'm busy planning out some videos to put up for you all! There is a link in the left side bar for you to check out! I'm sooo excited about getting this phase of "The Simple Life" started and cannot wait to see where this takes me!

Thanks so much for visiting with me again! Hopefully I'll see y'all on YouTube soon! 


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