Monday, September 29, 2014

Just Letting You Know...

Hey guys! Hope everyone had a splendid weekend! We spent Saturday night at Aaron's best friends house, laughing until our sides hurt, and then Sunday afternoon was the perfect day for a wedding! One of Aaron's cousins had a beautiful outdoor wedding. It's always fun to go to weddings, and sit there to relive your own!!

So... on to the meat of this post.

I thought I would just give you all a heads up, let you know what's going on...

I am appearing in another play, and if you've ever been involved in one, you know that the world of the theatre is all-consuming, especially when it's community theatre and everyone involved, from actors, to directors to backstage help and set designers, is a volunteer. We've had a couple of "read throughs" - where the entire cast sits down together and "reads through" a script - and tomorrow we start our blocking - where you actually start moving around... usually this entangles some tricky moves because you are trying to move, walk, act, and still read your script!

So if I am absent for a period of time, it is because of that. Theatre is a beast... especially this play. It's all super hush-hush so I can't really share any of what it is with you. I can say that it was not actually a play, that we've gotten permission from the writer for this to be adapted into a play, and at one point it was one of the top shows on television. If I tell you anymore, I'll have to kill you, and then there goes all my readers and I have to start all over again... and I ain't got that kinda time.

I will have my days free, but because this show is such a huge thing in my community, most of my days at home will be spent with my script in my hand, and my nose stuck to this particular TV show. I may sit down occasionally and write out a post, but this will seriously delay the first Simple Life YouTube video... :( Saturdays will probably be spent painting flats or picking our set pieces with our set designer, or sorting through the costume room... you know... I am also acting as sound designer on  this show so I've got music for pre-show, intermission, post-show and the music and sound effects for the show to compile...

So as you can see I have a plate full of things to do... and all this while my poor lil' Pontiac gets a new front end. Fortunately the insurance company sent me a voucher for a rental car, so while my car is in the body shop, I'll have something to drive. It'll be my first rental car experience!! I will update you when the doll baby gets all fixed up. I've got to get it cleaned out really good (I don't keep "stuff" in my car, but living in the country sans garage means you get lotsa grass and leaves and junk that just sort of track themselves in on your shoes. Fail.) and get the oil changed because, some how or another, we've managed to book a family vacation to the Smoky Mountains with Aaron's family the last weekend of October! Yay for us! Pictures to come, of course. We are taking my car because of it's amazing gas mileage and to be honest, I just can't wait! By this time next month, I'll need the break!

Will I be M.I.A. completely? No, probably not. I'll randomly pop on every once in a while to catch ya'll up on how things are going, I may add some house tips, reviews and what not, but I will definitely (unless I get the wild urge to do so) not be adding any videos to the YouTube page for the next month and a half.

Ok, that's it! That's my news! I'll talk to y'all when I can! I love you guys!

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