Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all had a very wonderful day yesterday! We had a very busy two days, starting Christmas Eve morning with breakfast at my Father in Law's house, and then the enormous family get-together at one of Aaron's cousins houses. In between I managed to take the ultimate Christmas nap. Christmas morning there was the gift opening carnage at our house, then breakfast at my Mom's and then we ended the day at Aaron's grandmother's with his Mom and all that side of the family. It was a great day. I'll add some photos for you all to see soon.

I am probably going to be doing a "What I Got For Christmas" post, but who knows when. This time of the year is SO BUSY for us, it seems like there is something going on every day. Like our nephews 2nd birthday TOMORROW! I can't fathom that! It's way too much for my brain to take.

With today being December the 26th, it is usually time for me to take down anything that screams "CHRISTMAS!" like any Santa's or light up gifts or anything along those lines. I've been instructed to leave the tree up until New Year's day so I'll have to make that exception. But I am ready to see a lot of that stuff go. It's just A LOT and I don't like A LOT in my house, ya know.

During our holiday shopping craze I manage to earn almost $200 in Kohls cash and so I'm about to place a very big order to Kohls and I will be sure to share it all with you when it comes in!

The first part of January is promising to be very busy as well. My best friend and her husband are FINALLY moving back from Alabama the first weekend in January, and then Aaron's birthday is the 11th! Whew, I'm tired just thinking about it. I am hoping to get back into the swing of regular blogging come the first of the new year, being in that play has thrown my schedule off so bad and it's still not back on track!

Well that's it for today friends, I've got lots to do and less time to do it in! (what movie was that from? 10 points to whoever gets it right in the comments below!) So I just wanted to be sure I wished everyone a Merry Christmas and let you know I love each of you for taking time to read this little ol' blog. I would love for it to really "take off" in 2015, but we shall see. If it doesn't, it's not the worst thing in the world. Thank you all for reading "The Simple Life." It means more than you know!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

With Love,
Missy, Aaron and Tabby

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