Monday, February 23, 2015

SNOWED IN!!! (Picture Heavy Post)

Is that...wait? Is that SUNLIGHT?? Is that grass? Holy cow!

We've been SNOWED IN for an entire week around here! The weather around here has been RIDICULOUS and so with that comes lots of staying in and cooking at home and staring at each other and what not. So I thought I would give you all a look into what we did during this one week of snow!

Here at our house we got a little over a foot of snow. About 16 inches actually. That's a lot for us. And then we got ice, and then more snow, and then ice again. It's been a rough week.

The first day we both just kind of existed. Aaron actually got up and got ready for work, but just as he was about to leave his boss called him and said to forget it for that day, so we did a happy dance, exchanged a couple of high fives, woke Tabby up, who just growled at us and fell back to sleep standing up (not a morning girl), and then we got back into our PJs and went back to bed. We ended up watching a few old faithful movies that we love and eating everything in sight that we had.... which wasn't much. 

Here are some pictures!

This was my uniform for the entire week. Fuzzy pajamas. These are my favorite. I've got pink ones with paw prints, pink ones with hearts, black ones with hearts, leopard print ones, aqua an grey with stars, pink and black plaid.... I would have frozen to death without my fuzzy pjs!

I changed out our chalkboard to say "Baby, it's COLD outside," just in time.  The next morning, we woke up to a foot of snow.

This. We woke up to this. Literally not one car went by our house the entire day until the snow plow finally came about 1am the next morning. 

You can't even really see it through this nasty picture, but the snow reaches halfway up the tree trunks there by the wood shop.

Birdie foot prints, puppy "nope" prints.
They did this for half the morning. It was precious! 

Tuesday, Aaron braved the weather to go to work for a couple of hours and then decreed that since another big round of snow was coming we should run out to the store for a few things. So we did.
The snow reached up to my knees in some places. It was a trick just to get to the truck.

My poor little car....

But it sure was pretty.

This is how thick the snow was on top of our garbage can. Can you tell that the top of the can is my spray paint station?? Just.... ignore that...

Ew. This was at the end of our road.

So we headed off to town to get a few groceries.

Aaaand both grocery stores in our town closed at 5, and it was 5:30 before we got there. So we decided to brave heading to a store 15 minutes away. Thankfully that store was open and instead of getting our usual haul, we got just what would keep us away from eating the dog for the next week. 

He is the bomb at driving in the snow and ice. And really cute! :)

The red barn, the black horse... it was too pretty. If I'd had my real camera with me I would have made Aaron stop so I could take a proper picture.

This little diva DID NOT like the snow at all. She didn't get out in it once to play like some dogs do. She did her puppy business in the bushes. All my shrubs will be dead come spring. 

More snow. Jeez. COVERED our carport/porch. I turned the dryer on and heated all that up (the vent comes out there in the bottom left corner, just out of the frame) so that it wouldn't be ice when Aaron got home. 

This. Instant.  I texted this picture to my best friend and she loved it. She and her husband just moved up here from southern Alabama (she'd moved there when we were in High School and stayed there when she met her husband) and it was the first snow they'd seen in a real long time. She hated it.

Boredom equals rearranging your perfume collection and using a picture frame for a tray.... because it's cool and crafty.

We didn't eat healthy this week. We ate warmly. My Mama's meatloaf recipe, mac and cheese and real legitimate mashed potatoes! I was a very happy and full girl.

Guess what happened to us on Thursday?? I woke up to discover our cold water pipe had frozen. Yay! I called my handy father in law and he got on it. This was him digging through the snow to get to the shut off valve. We got the pipe thawed out and working in about 30 minutes, but it was a thrilling 30 minutes, for sure. Poor guy. He pretty awesome.

And to celebrate cold water, I decided I wanted to try my hand at chocolate bread pudding. I had everything I needed and decided "what the heck? We're snowed in anyway!" It was amazing.

We did eat legitimate food that night. Italian Pork Chops, alfredo noodles and green beans! This is a very typical meal around here for us, and it fills you up!

 All we did was eat. I swear!
I decided we needed chili, but we didn't have hardly anything my favorite recipe calls for. I like to make my chili in the crock pot and let it cook for 12 hours. But we wanted chili and we wanted it NOW, so I made what I called "Mash Up Chili," it was a mash up of what I had in the pantry and it was very very good. I surprised myself.

Can you tell? 

The snow has finally started to melt and I will admit, I kind of miss the way life just sort of slowed down. I enjoyed my days off with my Aaron, and I liked that we got to spend so much one on one time together. We did have a BIG BAD case of Cabin Fever (click the link! You won't be sorry!) after 2 days, but it was a good week. Our road crews were amazing, and we never lost any power. When our pipes did freeze we were able to thaw them right away, we had plenty of food to eat .... it was a good week, all things considered.

When I was getting my pictures together for this post, I found these on my phone that I'd apparently collected over the week.

Our first snow day as Mr. and Mrs. 2/10/2010. We were babies!

This is a picture of me and my sweet Daddy in 1995. I was 5 years old and we were living in an old farmhouse. It came a huge snow that day and Daddy decided we needed to build the best snowman in the county. So we got started and rolled up this huge snowball for the base. Being cooped up this week has made me miss that goober so much, I've kept myself very busy to keep from getting very depressed.   He loved and hated the snow all at the same time, just like me, and I know, if he was alive today, that on Monday morning he would have been out in his truck making his way to our house to check on us and bring us breakfast from the Dairy Queen.  But aside from missing my Daddy, it's been a good week.

Thanks for hanging in there with The Simple Life. I've got a few posts in the works, but because of the weather and Aaron being home a lot of the time, I decided to enjoy my down time with him as much as possible. We really see so little of each other through the week because of work and other commitments. But I do plan on picking up blogging more often starting very soon and hope you are as excited as I am about the possibilities!

How much snow did you get at your house? Did your pipes freeze up on you? Did you enjoy your time and be lazy or did you use those snow days to tackle projects around the house? Let me know in the comments below and we can share our snow stories with each other! 

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