Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bargain TV Stand!

Before I start, please excuse these blurry, terrible, awful pictures.....and I call myself a professional photographer! BAH!

Ok, so for those that don't know, I recently landed the dream job at the dream location. I had to take an hour long road trip to get to the "interviewin' place," and on the way back I decided to stop in at my local Family Dollar (the best one in the whole wide world, no joke) just to see if they had anything new. Ya'll know how crazy I am about a good find at Fam Dol!!

So while I'm there I find a box about 6 hand lengths long (about 42 or 43 inches) labeled "ENTERTAINMENT CENTER." Lightbulb in my brain explodes.

If you look at the below photograph (yeah, the blurry one.) you will see that I had my 43 inch Sanyo television sitting on a chest. My "memory" chest. I HATED not being able to get into it and I'd always been after my hubby to build me a stand for the tv. (His Dad actually built our huge entertainment center, and he had customized it to fit a 52 inch tv we had previously. Long story short the big TV went up in smoke, almost literally, and so we went and bought the 42 incher.) But of course, like a man, lol, 2 years later, I still wasn't able to look at my memories.

I rushed home to measure my TV hole and discovered it was the PERFECT width. Height is a little to be desired, :(

So I bought it. I move out my coffee table, push back my furniture and spread the contents of the 43 inch long box out on my rug around me and went to town. Unfortunately I didn't have the right size I improvised....with my hair cutting scissors haha. BUT it got done, so I'm not complaining.

This is what it looked like as soon as I was finished with it. I texted this picture to my hubby, I was so proud of myself.

And here is what it looks like with the TV on it!! As you can probably tell I took out the right side shelf to make room for our sub for our surround sound. I have our Wii Games and home movies on the bottom shelf on the left, and on the top shelf on the left I have the Wii and a basket full of remotes. I topped it off with the TV and one of our engagement pictures, hubby hates it sitting there, but I like it, and one of my favorite nicknacks, a star box that has "BELIEVE" written on the lid.

This "Entertainment Center" cost me $30 at Family Dollar. Entertainment Centers that are similar sell at furniture stores for more like $230.  So, if you look at it that way I saved $200 and it only took me about an hour to put together!!.....with hair cutting scissors!!!


(Yeees I was watching The Dr. Oz Show! haha)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Exactly this post showing that how to Transform your home and workstation with these lcd stand or tv stand.

  3. I've been thinking of getting one of these for my 32" TV, but was scared it wouldn't hold it. If it fits your 43" though, it must be safe. Thanks for the post and pics.


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