Saturday, March 24, 2012

UK vs. UI Game Night Snacks!

At my house, WE BLEED BLUE!!! We live in the Big Blue Nation. UK Basketball Season is what our world is all about. Whenever "UK Season" rolls around, you can pretty must bet your bottom dollar that Aaron and I (and the rest of the family) will be gathered together around a TV somewhere, eating finger foods, anything bigger is too much of a commitment, and screaming at the top of our lungs at any call made during a UK game.

Last night was a big night for UK. We played Indiana.....back in December these two teams matched up and UI won over us by 1 stinking little point....So naturally the Big Blue Nation came out last night with a little big of revenge on our minds. (We won!:) We decided to gather at my sister in law's house and take advantage of her large finished basement with the big screen TV. She called earlier in the week and asked if I would help her out with food, so I was happy to do so. Any reason to get in the kitchen is ok by me!! I brought 3 things. Shredded BBQ Chicken, my famous Taters, and UK Sugar Cookies!! For those on Facebook that have been asking for my recipes, here they are!!!

!) Shredded BBQ Chicken.

My BBQ chicken has been evolving ever since I first started cooking it. For this particular batch I used a 4 pack of boneless chicken breasts. A bottle of Sweet n Tangy BBQ Sauce (available at Save-a-Lot) and varying herbs and spices. I start by lining my pan with aluminum foil to make for easy clean up. Then I pour in enough sauce to cover the bottom of the pan. I add salt, pepper, season salt, basil, bay leaves, and oregano. Then I add my whole chicken breasts. I repeat the process above, sauce and spices. This time I added a handful of Bacon bits and a couple of handfuls of shredded colby jack cheese. I was playing around. To my wonderful surprise it turned out super yummy. I cooked it in the over at 400 degrees for an hour. This time I didn't cover it, but most of the time I do. After it was finished cooking I puled it out of the over and shredded it apart with a knife and a fork. Some hot sauce might make this even better. But overall, I was pleased with it. I heard no complaints from the hungry men in my life!!

2) My famous Taters.

They say necessity is the mother of invention. And in this cause, that was so right. Aaron and I had been married about a minute when I got such a craving for potato I made some. I thought they were tasty myself, but everyone else that had them says they're something special. My husbands Aunt took a bite of one last year at our Memorial Day get together and I thought she was going to have a heart attack by all the noises she was making. So....I'm going to share my secrets with all ya'll today.

First I start off by slicing about 4 or 5 potatoes into circles, so kind of like augroten potatoes.
Then I lay them out on a cookie sheet.
I sprinkle them with salt, pepper and season salt.
I put them in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes.
As soon as they're finished I open up the oven, and while they're still IN the oven I sprinkle them very liberally with cheese, bacon bits and chives. After the cheese is melty and gooey, I take them out and put them on my serving platter (which last night was a 1 dollar platter from the Dollar Store in KY BLUE!). I serve this with Sour Cream and/or Ranch.

These guys are never a let down, and I could probably eat my weight in them!!

3) And finally my UK Sugar cookies. I took lots of pictures of my attempt at this.

I decided I wanted to make sugar cookies and plant the UK logo on them. So I went in search of blue icing....which doesn't exist. And apparently neither did plain old blue food coloring. I ended up getting a $1 "Egg Coloring Kit." I wanted food coloring and this is what I got. Poo.

I took off making my dough. Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie Mix. I was braced for time so I needed something easy.

Once I got my dough all mixed up (butter, water according to package), I needed to roll it out. And that's when I realized I did not own a rolling pin. Hmm....what to use.....AH! Paper Towel Roll!

Then it was off to make my icing. I had bought 1 can of Betty Crocker Vanilla Rich n Creamy icing. Looking back I needed two for thickening purposes. Anyway, I had to make my blue. So according to the package I dissolved the blue color tablet in 3 tablespoons of white vinegar. I poured the 3 tablespoons of blue vinegar (lol) into the icing and mixed it up. Wasn't as BLUE as I wanted, but it was ok.

Taking a que from some of my other Blogger Nuts, I loaded all my blue icing into a Ziploc bag, cut the tip off of a corner, and went to work. After making LOTS of mistakes, and redos they finally ended up like this.
The icing melted, and ran everywhere. The Vinegar loosened up the consistency of the icing (so next time I'll mix my color with 2 cans) and so by the time the game was over my cute blue UK cookies were blue messes. But still tasty!!

So hope ya'll enjoyed these tips!! I'm not a professional by any means, but I try. Haven't hear any complaints from my sweet Hubby yet!!

Happy Cooking!!!

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