Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"Simple Life" Makeover!

Hello Simple Lifers! Are you out there? Good, now, can I have your attention for JUST ONE SECOND? Thanks.

The Simple Life Blog is getting a makeover. After going through all my old posts and deleting more than half, I've decided to completely revamp The Simple Life.

So what that means for you is MORE product reviews! MORE bargain tips! MORE recipes! MORE FUN STUFF IN GENERAL! I'm also super excited to announce that I'll be starting a Simple Life YouTube Channel as well! Once it is all set up and finalized and I have a video to show you I will post a link to the Channel. I figured some reviews are better visually explained than typed in the long run.

I'll be keeping you up to speed with my life and how things are going, without getting TOO PERSONAL, which, if you read my blogs before, you know tends to be a problem for me.

Coming up pretty soon is a review for a product that EVERYONE wants to know if it really works. So stayed tuned for that! Also I'll probably be adding makeup related reviews and my tips and tricks from time to time. I'm a girl after all, and that's what we girls do.

I'm still attempting to build my photography studio, and while it is going slower than I'd like, I do have to admit that I'm getting several phone calls a week in regards to the business! So keep your fingers crossed that I will gain a few more clients, and spread the word about me to your friends!

So, for now, I shall leave you while I attempt to get everything sorted and straightened out. Stay tuned for the channel link coming soon.

Follow me on Instagram at MissyRenfro1

My photography's webpage is


<3 Missy

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