Monday, July 21, 2014

Easy Parmesean Chicken

Hello faithful readers! I know I've been M.I.A. for a while. And someone was kind enough to bring my attention to it, shout out to my cousin Belinda! *waving* Thanks for keeping me on my toes and laying the guilt trip on me!

So to tide everyone over until I can get back in the real swing of blogging after such a extended hiatus, I thought I'd share my most recent addition to my recipe book. It was a huge hit tonight at suppertime and my husband loooooved it.

Here's what you're gonna need:

  • 4 (I used 5) chicken breasts - I also pounded mine out flat with a kitchen mallet
  • Bread Crumbs - I toasted 4 pieces of wheat bread and chopped them up in the food processor
  • Mrs. Dash Garlic Seasoning 
  • 1 jar of your favorite tomato-based pasta sauce
  • Shredded Mozzarella Cheese (I actually only had colby-jack on hand, so that's what I used)
  • Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • 1 egg, beaten with some milk
  • vegetable oil
  1. Start by preheating your oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Heat up your oil in a large skillet (I used my huge saute pan by Cuisinart, it's my go-to pan, I love it.)
  3. Take your Mrs. Dash Garlic Seasoning (not the original, the garlic specifically) and eyeball however much you want into your food processor. Rip up your toast into pieces small enough to fit into the processor. 
  4. Dump your breadcrumbs into a bowl or dish and mix with a spoon, just to make sure everything is mixed properly.
  5. Beat your egg with a few tablespoons of milk (I eyeballed this too. I added as much milk as I normally do when I'm beating eggs)
  6. Dip your chicken breast into the egg and milk, and then into your breadcrumbs. Coat each side well.
  7. Fry your chicken until it's golden brown on each side. Don't worry about whether it's cooked through or not, it really doesn't matter, you're just going to bake it anyway.
  8. Put your chicken in a lightly greased casserole dish and top it with your pasta sauce. 
  9. Top the sauce with your cheeses, the more the better in my opinion.
  10. Bake for 30-40 minutes. Watch it and pull it out whenever the cheese is is melted and it and the sauce are bubbling.
And, of course, you serve this over spaghetti or linguine noodles. Oh, and Mama's Sweet Tea, of course!

I found this recipe on Pinterest, after Aaron said he wanted something different for supper. We tend to get in a real rut when it comes to our meals, the same things over and over and over again, this was a welcome change. He took the first bite and his eyes, literally, rolled back in his head. 10 points for the wifey! :)

You can find the original recipe for this on the Working Mom's Against Guilt blog HERE. Thank you, Sara, for sharing this wonderful recipe with us! My husband thanks you, too!

Thanks for stopping by The Simple Life today! I will try to do better about posting now that life has calmed down just a little bit. I've got a couple of What I'm Watching's ready to go and then the ever elusive Kitchen Evolution post that I am still working on. Plus I have a DIY I'm wanting to try, and I'll share it with you when I get it done! Thank you so much for hanging in here with me!


  1. Thanks for throwing me under the bus.

    1. You threw me, first. Haha. A nice, family conversation turns into "I've got a bone to pick with you over your blog!" :)
