Friday, June 13, 2014

Mama's Perfect Sweet Tea

Can we just talk about how amazing a good cold glass of sweet tea is during the summer? Well, all year long actually, but particularly during the summer? Just plain ol' sweet tea over ice, nothing fancy added. No lemon, no mint, just sweet tea?

During my childhood my Mama's sweet tea was touted as the best in the county. She always brought the gallon jug full of sweet tea to any gatherin' or event. Anyone else's tea just didn't quite pass muster, something was always missing.

So today, I'd like to share her secret. I thought about not even doing this post because it is so simple, but at the same time, people ask me all the time how I make my tea. And, after all, this is The Simple Life. This drink is a southern staple, it's a must have if you are below the Mason-Dixon line. And it's not iced tea. No. It's SWEET TEA. Actually it's more like sweetea, one word.

Let's get started!

First you're gonna need the following items:
A Gallon Jug
Tea Bags
A Tea Kettle
A Wooden Spoon
An awesome girly glass to put your sweetea in when you're done :)

Here we go!

First off grab your tea kettle and fill it full of water. Put it on your stove, turning the burner on high heat, and let it boil.

While you're waiting on your water, grab your sugar. (Don't you like my super fancy label on my sugar container? Keepin' it real guys.)

Pour 2 cups of sugar into your gallon jug. I know, it seems like a lot of sugar... that's cause it is. This is SWEET TEA people.
 By the way, I hope ya'll appreciate my mad sugar pouring/picture takin' skills. This was NOT EASY!

After you've got your sugar in your jug, cover it with water. 

And stir. Again, mad skills.

While your sugar and water is sitting, and your tea kettle is still on the stove, pull our your tea bags.

This is the secret weapon folks. Mama always used LUZIANNE DECAFFEINATED TEA. It's not the same with Lipton or Nestle or Nestea or any other brand. It has to be Luzianne. You can get 2 48 packs at SAM's Club for like $10 and it will last you forever. Dollar General carries Luzianne, but only carries the caffeinated version. Tastes the same, just gives you a bit more kick. 

Use 4. Yes. 4.

 Oh look! The kettle is boiling! I am on fire with these pictures today, no? :)

Tie all 4 of your tea bags together, like this. 

And lay them into your water. Leave the strings out. 

Now, go off and do something. Start a load of laundry. Make the bed. Flip through your DVR. Pay a bill. Walk the dog. Let the tea sit - steep is the "official word" to use, but we're in the South, honey - ya'll let yer tea sit fer about 10 minutes. (The longer it sits the stronger it is.)

Pull your tea bags out and let them drain. I like to help mine along by putting the bags in the hollow of my spoon and wrapping my strings around them tightly. Plus, by doing it this way, I don't leak on the way to the garbage can.... eew.

Fill your jug the rest of the way up with cold water, load your glass up with ice (a lot if it will melt on contact because you have hot water still in the jug), pour and enjoy my Mama's Sweet Tea!

Thanks for stopping by again today! I appreciate anyone and everyone that takes time to read this lil' blog!

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