Last night after we got off work (and I got a massive haircut!!) I talked the hubs into going to WalMart so I could buy my supplies.
I forgot to take a picture of it all, but I had all my things lined up on our patio table just perfect. 5 cans of Krylon Gloss Spray Paint in the color BLACK. 1 roll of Yellow Frog Tape (on the fence, don't know if I liked it or not) 2 packs of 180 grit sandpaper, an old Sunday Paper, and a spray bottle full of a cleaner. Pretty sure that's all I used.
Now before you judge on the nasty state of my porch/carport area, we are in the process of basically touching up little pieces of the house, and so everything gets moved onto the porch.... K? lol.
The chairs BEFORE, were my least favorite thing in the whole wide world. They were the thing that turned me off from the table in the first place. Like my last Kitchen Makeover post said, I wasn't thrilled with set period when we bought it. When we started gathering up the things we needed we remembered it came with 6 chairs not 4. We decided this morning we would only paint 4 chairs, but after showing off our hair work to my Mother in Law we've decided to get some more paint and paint the other two chairs!
So we started, of course, by sanding down the whole set, top to bottom. And then we had the daunting task of taping down and covering the seats with newspaper....this was the hardest part of the whole process.
The chairs AFTER! I LOVED them the moment I hit them with the black paint. They don't even look like the same chairs. I swear, they even sit differently!!
We took a break around lunch time -- yes I said WE, Aaron was so gracious as to help me. Originally he had said he didn't want to and if I needed a "project" that this was fine. But this morning he decided he wanted to help, and we had a WONDERFUL time doing it together. And this was how we left our porch. Lets just say for someone OCD like me, this in and of itself was a daunting task. Yes those are our cars in the background and if you look in the far left of the picture you can see the rug that we just rolled up and got out of our living room!
So we got cleaned up and by the time it was time for the UK/Louisville game - 5pm - the table was completely dried. So we carried it in and left it in the kitchen until after the game. We got home around 9 - we had been at my hubby's sister's house. And so I quickly found something to decorate the table with so I could show if off to my Mother in Law, who was so anxious to see it, we invited her over.
And this is the finished product!!
If I had to tell you how much we spent,,,,,I'd say less than $40 for everything. Overall not a bad deal for practically a BRAND NEW kitchen table....don'tcha think?