
Recently, I decided to start up a YouTube channel. I've always liked the idea of adding a short video to some of my posts, but never actually did it. So, I took the plunge and created "The Simple Life" on YT. (I had to give the channel the url of "TheSimpleLifeBlog1" which sounds so lovely, because every other combo you could imagine was taken already :( Thanks YouTube.)

I am subscribed to many, many wife type channels on YT, including "House of Aqua," "Organized Like Jen," and her 2nd channel, "My Housewife Life," "My So Called Home," "Sweet and Simple Home," "The Green Apple Home".... honestly, there are tons more. I LOVE watching their channels. In fact, there are mornings I don't get out of bed before I watch 2 or 3 of their videos. You can check out links to their channels and blogs in the My Favorite Blogs tab!)

I have no clue what I'm doing, as a disclaimer. I have mild experience in filmography from my days in photography school, and some experience in editing, thanks to my photoshop and multimedia classes, but that's it. I've never done it professionally.

The direction for The Simple Life on YT will be lots of "HOME STUFF." From cooking and cleaning and organizing to home decor, maybe a haul or two, some product reviews here and there... who knows what you will see on my channel!

Click the logo above and you will be linked directly to my channel page. Please subscribe, it's free, only takes a second! :) I hope you will be patient with me as I try to branch out into this new phase of The Simple Life. Posting for the blog will not change, and I will try to coordinate every single video with a blog post, as best I can. So the two will function hand in hand... at least, that's the plan!

Thank you SO MUCH for all your support. I love each and every one of you, even if I don't know you. I appreciate the time you take out of your busy day to read my blog, and, hopefully in the future, to watch my videos!

Also, if there is ANYTHING you'd like to see a blog post/video for, please leave your request below in the comment section! I will try my best for you!

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