Monday, March 9, 2015

Tips to Keep a Clean House: How I Get Motivated

Ok, so here's the thing about being a stay at home wife. There are times when you just flat don't want to get out of your pajamas and away from Netflix long enough to sweep your floors. And being "your own boss," in a way, you can. Your house may look like the H bomb went off around you, blankets and pillows tossed about and take out wrappers everywhere, half empty glasses of water, coke, tea, Kleenex strewn from one end of the couch to another from watching Steel Magnolias for the 987 billionth time.  So what do you do?? How do you pull yourself away from reruns of Grey's Anatomy long enough to get your house in decent looking order? (Once I start with Grey's I get stuck, especially after Owen showed up. He's my fave. I've been a Kevin McKidd fan since I was 9!)

Here's my tip. Do a good ol' 15 Minute Before Bed Pick Up and go to bed.....

THEN... here's what I do the next morning... There are some days when I get a TON of cleaning done in my pjs. I can tackle those around the house projects and get totally caught up on laundry and the dishes and shampoo the carpets and mop and all that while I'm still in my pjs some days, but on the days when I feel the pull towards the bed and Netflix....

  • I leave the TV OFF. It's a distraction. Trying to find something just to "have on" while you're cleaning can sometimes take a good 30 minutes, especially if you're like me and you've seen practically everything.... So instead I turn on Pandora radio. We have a Sony Blu Ray player that has the Pandora app on it, so I'll turn the TV on, but play music through it. I usually pick something like MoTown or anything upbeat. MoTown dance breaks in the kitchen are perfectly acceptable, and occur on a regular basis at my house.
  • I have a little breakfast, always something with some protein in it. I love scrambles, just fyi. 
  • And then I shower, put on makeup and do my hair. That's my secret. I find that I am TONS more motivated to get everything done if I look good, and not ratty in my pjs. I won't go all out and do winged eyeliner, red lips and curled hair, but I'll put on some foundation, blush, eyeshadow and mascara and I'll at least wash my hair, whether I style it or not is another thing all together. I am ALWAYS more productive if I feel better about myself, and makeup and hair accomplishes that for me.  Plus, if I need to quickly run out of the house for anything, I'm already ready. If I want a time out for lunch, I can run through the drive thru and not scare the little fella at the first window plum out of hit wits. 
And that's it. THAT's my secret. Hair and makeup. You know, them Gypsy Housewives may be onto something. Seriously, I mean they clean their houses wearing high heels and hoop earrings. For reals. (I'm so addicted to Gypsy Sisters  and My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding it's not even funny!) 

Also, another thing is that I really LOVE having a clean house and I love having it neat and tidy for my hubby when he comes home. I like the house to smell like Pine Sol (he says it smells like Christmas, and therefore loves it) and to have supper on the stove, and me not looking like a cave monster for him when he comes in from a long day at the office. The reward is always the evening off to be with my honey. There are some nights that if I've been cleaning particularly hard that day I'll make supper and spend the evening with Aaron and then when he goes to bed, I'll shut the bedroom door, turn off all the lights and watch a movie, just me. I love foreign movies or romantic dramas that I've never seen before for my solo movie nights. 

It may seem absolutely pointless to you. And some days I am like WHY would I shower and do my hair and makeup just so I can get hot and sweaty and gross, but other days I need that extra push. You are more productive when you feel good about yourself I find. 

So what do YOU do to get motivated to do your household chores? Leave me a comment and let me know!

I think it goes without saying, hopefully, that Pandora Radio did not perk me to mention them, MoTown doesn't know that I love their oldies, and the Gypsy Sisters don't know me. And sadly, Kevin McKidd doesn't know me either. :(

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