Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Busy Busy Busy: Updates!

It has been a wild and crazy couple of weeks around here! I've been so busy that I haven't even had time to think, let alone get together extensive Home Style Evolution posts. I hope, for those of you that are actually reading them, that you are being patient with me, and understand that life sometimes gets away with us all.

The Saturday before Memorial Day, my Mom bribed Aaron and I into coming to her house for a cookout, but only if we spent the morning laying pine straw mulch around her landscaping. We can't turn down my Mom's homemade burgers, so off we went! It was a beautiful Kentucky Saturday, so we didn't mind!

Us pasty white people ended up with some pretty impressive sunburns.

Monday was Memorial Day, so we spent that with family, then Tuesday I painted my front door. Wednesday I was laid up with one of my lovely chronic headaches and Thursday I tried to play catch up! I cleaned my house, did some laundry, etc etc.
Memorial Day with my in-laws. Mother in Law and 3 sisters in law!
My front door. Check out the post all about it here!
I spent last weekend on the move, on Friday I cleaned a house, that wasn't my own ;), and ran a bunch of household errands, then on Saturday I made a trip to Louisville with my Mom to visit some family and celebrate my 3rd cousins graduation from college (it's the first of many, he's so stinking smart!). Then on Sunday it was "homecoming" at the church where I grew up. so we trekked over there to spend the day.... the food was ah-may-zing.

Then on Monday we had a plumber come out to fix our kitchen sink. It's leaked off and on for the entire length of time we've lived here. We'd fix it ourselves and it wouldn't leak for a while, then it would just all of a sudden start gushing. It was getting to be very old and very irritating. I was having to wash dishes in a plastic tub, then dump the water either outside or in the bathroom. I was breaking my back.  Plus it was starting to rot the floor out in that cabinet. Not good at all! So we finally got fed up and called in professional help. Turns out we had to have all of our pipes (except for the one coming out of the floor) replaced, the basket drains replaced and had to have a vent added on to help it drain faster. It was about a 2 hour job but my sink doesn't leak and drains now, it was worth it!
The finished product! Now I've got to get an organization method in place!! That excites me way more than it should! 

Yesterday afternoon, my Father in Law stopped in and helped me... ok, I helped him... install a chandelier that Aaron had surprised me with about a month or so ago. I'm so tickled with the result!!

Such a handy feller to have around! :) He's just presh!
It took us way longer than we even imagined it would, but in the end, it got put up and was beautiful! To congratulate us for all our hard work, I fixed us all a big supper while the boys (Aaron and his sweet Daddy) went to pick strawberries! 2 quarts of strawberries and a cheesecake later, I was done like the Thanksgiving turkey!

The finished product!
We were unable to center the chandelier over the table, because it would have interfered with the ceiling fan, but I love having all that light in the corner, so I'm not complaining!

It's been insane around here, but I'm hoping to work on some posts today. I'm having issues with getting Blogger to post my scheduled posts, so while I may have something scheduled to go up it may not, IDK why. It's driving me crazy.

Thanks for staying patient with me!

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