Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Car Accident Update!

So ya remember my 2nd to last post? The Dude, Get on Your Side of the Road!! post? Yeah, that one.

Well today we got the accident report back. And lemme just tell ya, I was a dat-blamed nervous wreck. I woke up this morning shaking like a maniac. I was too nervous to eat any breakfast or lunch. If the report said it was my fault we would be out a ton of money to get my car fixed. And a ton of money we don't have. If the report said it was the other drivers fault, well then the heavens would open up and sing the "Hallelujah Chorus."

Now, KY is a No-Fault State. And I had a question about this from my cousin on Facebook, and I thought I might ought to mention it here, just in case you were wondering too. She was under the assumption that "No-Fault" meant that no matter what happened, it was no one's fault and your own insurance paid to get your car fixed. No. That's not what no-fault insurance is. If I had been hurt in the accident, say I busted up my leg, or got a huge gash on my head, or hurt my arm, if I didn't want to wait around on the other persons insurance, if their insurance wasn't a really good plan/didn't have good coverage, maybe they didn't even have insurance, I wouldn't have to file a claim through their insurance company. I could use my own insurance policy to pay for my medical bills. It's a Personal Injury Policy (they call it "PIP") and has nothing to do with your car.

I called the City Hall, they said "yes, we have the report you can come get it." So I was like, OK! I hoped in my little crippled car and off I went. I got the report and the first thing I did was get in the car and read over it. It was almost like I was reading ancient Latin. The one thing that stood out to me was under a box marked "HUMAN ERROR" it said the other driver was improperly turning (der, he was in my lane!) and under mine the words were bright and bold "NONE DETECTED." My brain said "not guilty!" You know, like that one girl from Chicago? The blonde one? Yeah, my life is a movie voiceover. But I wasn't sure.

My next stop was Aaron's office. He's my brilliant insurance agent and all. He looked the report over and agreed with my brain, but had his boss look over it just to be sure. His boss asked which "Unit" I was listed as, Aaron replied "2." His boss quickly spoke up and said "Not her fault." They deal with this all day every day.


My next step was to get an estimate with a body shop and thankfully we have a family friend that owns one. I took it over to him and he determined I need a whole new front end, from hood to fender and that the grand total would be a little over $2200. I took the estimate back to Aaron, he filed the claim.

So now the ball is rolling and I feel so relieved! I'm so ready to have this whole car mess over with! And when it is I'm having the poor thing detailed!


  1. That was a surprising turn of events for you. Good thing you have a friendly insurance agent who helped you with that matter. However, in my opinion, it will be better if you consulted a lawyer, because one can immediately help you to make the necessary corrections, as well as with regard to all the legalities it entails. Anyway, I hope everything has been settled properly and that you received rightful settlement.

    Stephanie Waters @ Chastaine Law Office

    1. Everything ended up great! Their insurance paid for the new front end for my car, we didn't have to pay anything, not even for a rental car for me, and thankfully no one in either car was injured in the accident! (So sorry it took so long for a reply!)

  2. First off, I'm glad you weren't badly injured in that accident. Second, I'm happy that the court found you not at fault for the collision. I'm also glad that the other driver's insurance paid for your car's damaged front end. In any case, make sure to always take care when driving, Missy! Thanks for sharing that! All the best to you! :)

    Modesto Culbertson @ D&Z Law Group
