Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Downey Unstoppables in Your Wax Warmer!

My Wax Warmer. The Simple Life © Please excuse the brightness.
Why didn't we, as the human race, think of this before??

A lot of you are probably familiar with my post on my Better Homes & Garden's Wax Warmer (See the post here) and in that post I raved about how much I loved my warmer.

The warmer I was raving about had been a gift from an old girlfriend of mine for my birthday and was the white version of the warmer shown in the blog post.

Sadness struck not too long after that post was published. The warmer got knocked off the shelf and broke into two pieces. Because I loved it so much, I glued it back together and continued to use it.

 One afternoon I was in Wal-Mart with my Mom and we wandered over to the warmer isle and I saw one I just had to have, on sale for $10, $5 off the original price. It now lives on my piano, next to a picture of me and my Dad when I was a baby. (My big brother had dressed me up like a wild Indian at Cracker Barrel one afternoon and thought it was hilarious. Brothers.)

Here's the tip! And it's been going around for a while now, but I thought I'd mention it because it really does work and I love it! You can find lots of pins on Pinterest in regards to putting Unstoppables in your warmers, so you may want to check some of those out as well.

Instead of spending the $2.00 for a package of the warmer wax, use some of your Downy Unstoppables in your warmer!
Downy Unstoppables.
I use the kind with the blue top, in the"Fresh" scent. It fills my house with the smell of cleanness and I love it. I just pour out a cap full and dump it into my warmer and in a few minutes the little blue dots melt together and the smell starts floating through my home.

I find that I don't have to change the wax out hardly at all, because the Unstoppables have such a good staying power to them... if that makes sense.  This is a great trick that everyone should try! I haven't used a single square of my wax since I started using this tip! 

Ok, now for a funny story!

On occasion I will ask my Aaron to run by the store on his way home from work and pick up some household items that we need. Paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent etc. Whenever I ask him to get Downy Unstoppables, I ask him to pick up the one with the blue top. It's easy enough for him to understand and we have no problems with it. He always gets the right one.

Well back in December I was laid up (for the entire month it felt like, I'd be sick a week and better a week and sick a week and so on...) with the stomach bug that swept through our community. I was vomiting a lot and making a general mess out of my clothes, so I was washing a lot of nasty clothing and I ran through my "try me size" bottle of Unstoppables (the only size offered at Dollar General at the time) within a couple of days. One Friday afternoon my Mom was heading to our house after work and stopped by the store to get me a few things to try and eat. She asked if I needed anything household wise and I told her yes, I needed some Downy Unstoppables, the kind with the blue top, like I always tell Aaron. "Ok, no problem," she says. A few minutes later I get a text message from Mom with a picture of the Downy Unstoppables shelf, with the blue top one front and center, and it says:

"They don't have one with a blue top, They have Light Pink, Dark Pink, Purple and this Aqua type color. Which do you want instead?"

I start laughing and tell her that the Aqua is the one with the blue top and she starts laughing and grabs me a bottle. When she gets to our house about 10 minutes later, we are still laughing and I tell her that next time I'll be more specific with her, and that just saying "blue" usually does it for Aaron. I'm not used to having to state the specific shade of blue! That's the difference between men and women folks. Blue works for my hubby, however I have to specify that it is Aqua for my Mom to understand it! HA!

We laugh about it every time we are in a store together and see the Unstoppables. "No blue!" she'll say.

Ok, so there's your tip (and funny story) for today!

Hope you have as much success with this as I do!! Have a great rest of the day!

*I am not being perked by Better Homes & Gardens, or Downy for mentioning their products, I just love them!

1 comment:

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    thank you .... good luck always .......
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