Thursday, May 22, 2014

I Know What You're Thinking....

.... what a slacker this girl is!!

Well, I said that my best friends Dads surgery was going to be on Wednesday, and immediately after that post went live she called me and said it was pushed back to Friday. You'd think that would give me more time to do things, it didn't. I found myself in full on housewife mode making sure my house was in order in case I ended up having to spend days or nights at the hospital.

Fortunately he came out of his surgery with flying colors and is now home and doing well. I'm so tickled.

I will try and be back on track with my Home Style Evolution post on Tuesday, but I make no real promises, for this reason:

I hope to be able to paint my front door on either Monday or Tuesday. So it all depends on how that goes as to whether a HSE post goes live that day.

I'll try to supplement with a different post if that is the case!

Thanks for hanging in there with me!

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